• Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

INVESTIGATION: 10th NASS: Senators, Reps Members to Appoint 2,563 Aides

Jul 9, 2023

***Some on Grade Level 16

The 469 members – 109 senators and 360 members of the House of Representatives of the 10th national assembly will have at least 2,563 aides, investigation has revealed.

Out of the number, 700 aides work for lawmakers in the senate, while the remaining 1,870 are engaged by house of representatives members.

In addition to the regular aides, the principal officers of both chambers have special assistants, senior special assistants and special advisers of varying numbers.

The appointing of legislative aides who are to be funded under the 2023 Appropriation Act. according to the Act, each of the lawmakers, excluding principal officers, is entitled to five aides.

They includes one senior legislative aide, two legislative aides, a personal assistant and secretary.

The Act provides a different number of aides for the Senate President and Speaker.

The office of the Senate President is entitled to 45 appointees, Deputy Senate President, 30, House Speaker, 33, Deputy Speaker, 15, and Principal Officers, 10 each.

A breakdown shows that 451 members, excluding two presiding officers and 16 principal officers of both the upper and lower legislative houses, would have no fewer than 2, 255 aides by the time they conclude their appointments.

The total number of aides of the presiding officers and principal officers is 363, making the total of all aides statutorily provided is 2,563.

Senior Legislative Aides are placed between Salary Grade Level,SGL, 14 and 16, Legislative Aides,SGL 10 -12, Secretary, SGL 7-8, Personal Assistant, SGL 8 and Legislative Assistant, SGL 9.

This means the monthly emolument of the aides, ranges from N150,000 to N250,000.

Duties of legislative aides

Legislative assistants or legislative aides are engaged to assist legislators in successfully fulfilling their lawmaking obligations.

The aides are expected to provide support services in the areas of administration, research, communication, and constituency liaison.

Legislative assistants are expected to conduct policy and legal research, and draft legislative resolutions and memorials.

Since legislators are concerned with passing of laws, it’s critical that legislative aides thoroughly research proposed legislation by attending committee hearings and getting copies of different testimonies and records.

In many countries such roles are filled by experienced researchers and other professionals, after a competitive process.

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