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MEDITATION: Its Essential Benefits to the Human Mind By Adeoye Happiness

Sep 11, 2021

This book won’t tell you how you’re living an incomplete life or that your future isn’t or cannot be shaped into whatever you want without you meditating. It is sure that as long as you work hard and have a defined and assertive behavior towards whatever skill or aid you offer, that you would excel in it with or without meditation. You know how there are different types of water bodies; the ocean, the river, the stream, the pond, and the lake with the overall source of all earth water been the rain. Now, picture this; for 6 months, there hasn’t been any rain on the planet we live on, Earth. A lot of these waters dried up; the lake, the pond, the river, you mention it. Plants withered; animals died even humans despite all the innovative ways to preserve the little water left got close to the verge of giving up. Then one fateful afternoon, it began to drizzle, and finally, it rained. The lakes and other types of water bodies are our different duties and responsibilities of life. Humans would most definitely survive even without long access to water, we would come up with something; that’s how innovative we can get. However, whatever solution or adaptive mechanism we might end up coming up with would not have been as convenient as the most natural source of the water itself. Meditation is the rain. It is the source of inspiration for our lives. It is the rhythm our life dances to. I’m saying, again, you would most definitely survive without meditation. It is just that, your mode or mechanism of survival cannot be as easy as the most natural source of all vibe. Artificial intelligence is good, in fact, perfect.

However, no matter how perfect technology is, it still can’t beat a lot of the very natural processes. The same way you cannot prefer an oxygen tube to natural air for breathing is the same way some of our life practices will not be as conducive as they should have been with meditation in the picture.

In layman’s words, Meditation is a period of bodily quietness. The peacefulness our body emanates rubs off on the environment and like a rapid gush of wind, it slowly disappears into a stream of blurriness and everything, just everything seems still for that period. It is a sea of unconsciousness for the mind whereby the mind is void of all forms of external systems of disturbance but still at alert. It is a closed system of evaluation and in-depth reconnection of our body, the rhythm of our heart, our brain, and our mind. These 4 channels of emotions all work in sync and reverberate as one through the process of meditating.

Mediation is that single process that when successfully acted out brings our body, spirit, and soul into one accord. Now imagine performing this act twice in one day, there is no way you would not have testimonies as to a lot of its advantages.

In this book, you would be experiencing the magnanimous breakdown of the 10 most essential benefits of this process. These benefits would be dutifully explained and painstakingly organized for your adequate and perfect comprehension. Trust me, you would enjoy this ride!


STRESS IS DIMINISHED: There’s always a point in our day or week when we just feel like we’ve had enough. The sad thing is that a lot of individuals think sleep is the cure to stress. Stress deals with the mind while sleep concentrates on the human brain. The jurisdiction of sleep does not reach the vitality of our minds. Most of us would have realized one way or another that even after you wake from this sleep, you still go back to square one on the matters that stress you out.

Yes, sleep calms the brain but does not bring peace to the mind nor does it rejuvenate the spirit. Stress not only affects our minds but also dwindles the proper functioning of the body system. Have you ever been so stressed that you have no strength to eat? There is a level of stress you’d have undergone that you would lose appetite. Stress is not an experience that should be taken with levity. It’s a different scenario if it is a once in a while thing; something that you might not even feel in a month or two.

However, in a situation whereby you feel stressed more than once a week or let me say every day, then, you need to check yourself out. You need to identify that which stresses you out and upon identification, you begin to work on it. Seek the help of a psychology and balance therapist. You might be placed on a few tabs but, surely, you would be asked how often you meditate. Proper meditation is crucial for the reduction of stress.

Create time out of your busy schedule to meditate. Then you’d see the effect your environment can have on your inner mind, body and cure your anxiety with time.

EMOTIONAL EQUILIBRIUM: A state of emotional balance can be regarded as a rare parcel. Not everyone has felt it. Especially not in this modern age where every single emotion has been characterized by materialism. As long as you say you are fine or claim to be happy, that’s it. no one cares about the reality of you. No one wants to know

what you are going through at any moment of your life. We all have been embellished by the society we live in to always fight our demons.

Stereotype also has a say in this muck. Nasty quotations and unartistic expressions about how beauty is pain or how sexy means tall, slim, and zero body fat are now the pillars on which females now judge themselves. The male is not left out; these days, no one finds a man with no abs or packs and the biceps and what have you, manly. Now, everyone works out not because they enjoy it but because a slime somewhere said ‘beauty is pain’. Sayings, such as, ‘beauty is in the eyes of the beholder’ are left down in the trenches of our hearts and we decide to revere the ones that do not give us a state of happiness and freedom. Our emotions are controlled by the pads of other people’s words. Emotional instability is a defect that most of us are guilty of. However, there is nothing a bit of discipline and readiness cannot do. Your emotional balance can be worked upon with a constant practice of mediation.

Forget all about the stereotype nonsense and uncomfortable practices for some 40 minutes of your day and float in your own most peaceful space. Emotional equilibrium is a set goal for everyone. Input your meditation time on your to-do list and make sure a day doesn’t go by without you executing your meditation process. Until you’re balanced emotionally, all the trolls of this world will continue to weigh you down and before you know it, you are fading.

FOCUS AND CONCENTRATION AT PEAK: It is very easy to be distracted. Distraction is an agent of disturbance that goes against our plans and is capable of making us lose track of time. They come in various ways and shapes. A distraction might be that troublesome pet or that noisy neighbor or a dainty customer at work. They are unpredictable and energy draining. The amount of concentration we unconsciously grant to these distractions makes us lose concentration on the issues that matter. The lack of concentration in turn makes us lose our focus.

Focus is a state of complete and genuine observation of a particular object or idea at a particular point in time or over some time. That item might be a course of study or an occurrence.

As long as our ultimate attention is given to it, then, it is said that we are focused on such an item. Meditation is the calling together of the physical and mental to procreate a channel for adequate focus and concentration. When the meditation process is performed correctly, it increases the depth of focus and concentration. Whenever you’re

finding concentration a difficult task, taking your time to relax and meditate is guaranteed to be of help. As the focus is on the concentration of attention, meditation is the driving force of focus. You do not have to be disturbed unnecessarily at all times. Simply relax, take some water and give your inner voice a chance at expressing itself.

PAIN CHECK: In medicine, pain is an ache or bodily suffering. It can be in the form of a burning sensation which is felt rapidly and in common cases wears out as fast. Some others are not burning, rather they are severe. This kind of pain takes a long time to wear off. It is a consistent kind of pain. It spreads along a lot of regions of the body and brings with it long-term and short-term illnesses such as headaches, fever, cold, and the likes. The sensitivity of our skin is a result of the receptor cells that lay close to it.

Picture an inexperienced child trying to play with the flames from a candle. The moment his pink fingers touch the flame, the receptor cells on his skin are activated and are charged with the duty of understanding what kind of feeling that is. The receptor cells then carry these data to the brain. The type of feeling is interpreted by the brain which then sends the useful information back through the receptor neurons to the spinal cord and then to the point of contact of the flame with the child’s skin. It is only now that the child can feel the pain as either burning or severe. You can tell from the way he quickly recoils his hands and he might even cry. The brain stores up the interpreted information in the memory for easy access in the future. All these happen in less than a split second. The internal structure and system of our body is the most highly organized specimen there is. The human brain is a center of recognition of all kinds of impulses. The motor neurons carry impulses with the aid of hormones to the brain for interpretation and then take this meaningful information back to the target organ and pain or fear is felt.

For example, we all know that the Adrenaline hormone is only released during fearful and very confusing crises.

Now that we know the brain is the center for data interpretation, the data including different kinds of pain, I believe it is very right for us to conclude that our pains and brain work interconnectedly. On this note, we can also say that meditation, which is a process of internal balance and interpretation of both external and internal stimuli, has an impact on the brain. Since it affects the brain, then it must have a significant influence on the extent to which our bodily pains are felt.

Meditation helps in reducing the severity of pain. It reduces the stipulated range a particular pain has been said to take. Meditation is that one non-expensive method of revisualizing and reconnecting with our body emotionally, mentally, and physically.

Meditation is the food of the mind. Ensure yours is fed with quality content.

LONGEVITY: Meditation speeds up healing processes and has helped to prolong a lot of lives. The blissful quality of all these is that meditation is stress-free and has no iota of complication attached to it. It is for this reason people take the process for granted. They feel it is something they can begin at any time and start to see the effects immediately. They have forgotten that nothing good comes from impatience. Every achievement requires a sacrifice of time, body, or emotion. As for meditation, it deals with time. Come to think of it, you do not even need more than an hour to meditate daily. Yet, some people find it difficult to sacrifice less than an hour of their day to do something sure to prolong their lives. The peacefulness that comes with meditation is a burst of serene sensations that words cannot fully explain. It is best felt first hand. An expression of regular quietness on the heart leaves a region of absolute goodness and joy. This feeling of joy will be exemplified in your day-to-day activities and relation to others. All these are signs of long life and happy days.

Meditation is the surest, easiest and cheapest technique to longevity. It has been tested and confirmed.

BEAUTY OF CREATIVITY: The world in its versatility has embodied in itself some special species of talents, people. Without a set of some particular individuals, the world would probably still be in the trenches. There are people, and there are gifted people. There is no dispute about their powerful brilliance that hasn’t been proved wrong. A lot of hypotheses about them have been made but they were all discarded. The world foresaw the kind of technological and scientific advancement that could be attained via the incomprehensible brilliance of these heroes and heroines and decided to make room for their research and function and even heard them out in scientific meetings.

Albert Einstein was a living prodigy. So was Marie Curie who won the Nobel Prize in 1903. Curie was also the second person to win a second Nobel in 1911. Is it Issac Newton’s you want to discuss? This man has two breathtaking laws of physics to his name: the first, the law of motion, and the latter, the law of universal gravitational motion. The tales of these individuals will always be engraved in the dunes of time for generations to come and forever. These individuals were creative.

Creativity is the understanding of the universe and directing the winds of nature to produce something unique and soul captivating. It is the matter of creation that the saying ‘beauty is in the eyes of the beholder’ is rightly applied. The works of artists and writers, as two perspectives to them.

The first is that of a layman, a small-minded man. He would see a work of art, say a piece of painting, and his interpretation will merely be that it is colorful. He might even consider it jargon.

The second perspective is that of a person with an artistic and wild mind. A person whose mind is constantly diluted with rivers of unending imaginations and beautiful natural voices. They find meaning in what is tagged meaningless. They see passion and vigor in a young boy dancing down the alley with his friends. They understand and see these things because they have trained their minds to a lot of stories, fictional or not.

When such a person sees that painting, he would only begin from where the layman stopped. He would understand that the colors are emotions painted from a heart filled with them, emotions. Both perspectives are beautiful and understandable in their context. You also can train your mind to be wild in an artistic way and venture into mind-blowing sectors of the world economy and make your difference. Everyone has their artist in them. You just need the right energy and focus to unleash your hidden talent.

The question now is, what do you have to do to unleash your creativity? A lot of people in this world have their little something. You have yours, it’s there, right within you.

Creativity has its roots strongly in meditation. Meditation is a road to the soul and mind. Creativity is the virtual exhibition of the contents of the soul and mind.

I tell you this, every great artist gets their inspiration from a little meditation here and there. Feel free to ask around. Even the naturally talented, that is people that do not have to rack their heads for inspiration, once in a while, meditate. Meditation increases creativity.

DEPRESSION IS CURTAILED: In a society where the reality of some stories beats the imagination of fiction. A community in which those not committing atrocities are rebellious. A time where one piece of everything is sexually induced; even animations and cartoons portray sex. Society is divided into strata; you’re either a rich man, a poor man, or a middle man. The rich have the capital and revenue of the entire state. Their interest day and night is how to look fab. They make the latest designs from big brands like Louis Vuitton, their daily dose of inspiration. These people, their greatest fear is being poor.

The poor people are those at the lowest least strata of life in a society. They are like vermins— whatever you do or say, they just don’t know how it’s done. They’re regarded by those of the highest class as retarded. These people are down to earth, literally. Imagine in this 21st century where nobody cares, even your therapist get tired of your case. These people manage to give Ceasar what belongs to him. They are the people you see give food to a street beggar, even when they do not have enough to eat. They have experienced, first hand, hunger, pain, and discernment. The poor man is scared of being rich and also is sad about being poor.

The middle man is the intermediary financial and social state between the rich and the poor. They are not poor but still now rich. They can afford basic life amenities conveniently but they do not have in excess like the rich. They are sometimes referred to as ‘average citizens or ‘working class’. They are like a pathway to the rich or the poor persons. They help to disseminate information to the poor from the rich. The middlemen have civil and human rights too. From research and estimate, it has been proved that the middleman has the opportunity to become a rich man. The research also shows that he can easily at any time slip into the penuries of the poor man.

In summary, the rich man’s greatest fears are being broke and death. The poor man’s greatest fear is well, cancer. The fear of the middle man is failure and self-disappointment He is absorbed in the jackals of both social levels, that he has forgotten how to make himself happy.

Civilization was aimed at bringing peace and make life easier but, the reverse is the case for everyone on all societal levels, classes, or strata. Many a person is not only shattered in their souls but they also are bodily stigmatized. It is difficult enough for both genders but no, wars still happen. I mean, we singlehandedly built machinery, arms and ammunition to slaughters one another like chickens. The funny thing is, even chickens are permitted to rest in peace. Disoriented souls and bodies can find their inner peace, solace, and refuge in floating high above all that has and is bothering them. A period of time where it all seems to be fading, our despair.

The easiest way to fight your depressed state of mind is to chill. Yes! It is that simple. I see you. I know what you’re going through is as bad as hell. But, please, pause for a moment. Take a deep breath and invite that foreign feeling, peacefulness into your soul. From your soul, it reverberates through your mind and finally hits your body like a wave. Meditation is the only way you can bring yourself back to life. Meditation, seeing the beauty in the mere gifts of nature would not only raise your spirit but also takes your mind so high that you would see the stars.

MEMORY GAIN: Have you ever been in a situation like this: you know you know something but you just can’t figure out where you knew it from? Well, a lot of us are familiar with this. If you also observe that subconsciously or visibly be try hard to recollect that thing or name or song. And then, like a jolt of lightning, it hits us and be clasps our hands or jerk it with a victor’s wit. The moment that comes after the whole victor’s smile and all is what I like to call ‘the pinkness of hay’. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you’re from; the moment you recollect something so silly yet funny or weird, you feel, for a brief moment or minutes or hours depending on the person, so happy that you achieved that yourself without anyone helping in the recollection process. These are one of the little moments of our lives that matter.

Everyday stress and depression tell not only on the physically. Prolonged stress and constant depression will over time yield sluggishness. To be a slugger is to be, intentionally or not, slow and clumsy in performing actions. Once your brain gets used to this state, it takes time before it can interpret information because it has adjusted to your new way of life and manner of actions. That is why I said the human body is the most organized framework of systems.

If you happen to find yourself in this state, first, work on your happiness. Second, work on your quiet time. The time to commune with your environment and take charge of it and not vice versa. Meditation is key to unlock your superpower and reactivate your mind and by so doing, your memories are kept safe for future reference. Constant and proper meditation sharpens the mind and increases the willingness to learn and memorize.

SLEEPFULNESS: Nature, scenery, mindfulness, and beauty all coexist as a frame during Mediation. Seeing how beautiful nature is, the landscapes, the oceans even the rain is more than enough to sanctify your mind and make sleep not just an act of closing your eyes but a testimony to the wonderfulness of life.
POSITIVENESS: The ability to see possibilities in the impossible is what I call positiveness. It is a state of being ready and willing to accept changes and live happily with them. Positiveness is a decision of the mind. It is a self-evaluation of prospects and realities of life. A realization that as humans, some things are just out of our control. This state of emotional and moral wellbeing can only be built by intense meditation and an understanding of basic concepts of life.

The time has reached for me to let you work and assess these advantages on your own. Do not forget, Rome was not built in a day. One step at a time and after you blink, you are at the doorstep of your destination.

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