• Thu. Jan 30th, 2025

Felix Ale Speaks On Space Science and Technology: The Role of the Press at “Circuit” Programme of OSRC NUJ (FULL SPEECH)

Aug 5, 2022

























Space Technology and the Media 


Major Trends and Development 


Educational Benefits of Space Technology 


The Nigeria Space Agenda


Future Prospects















I will start my presentation this morning with this rhetoric question on how or what the society would look like if there are no great or talented men to compliment the wonderful and mysterious gifts of nature, or the earth itself as created by the greatest physicist and scientist, the king of kings, the Almighty and everlasting God. 


My dear colleagues, have you ever asked yourself what life will be if you were suddenly dropped on the moon, star or even sun? Will it be convenient to freely walk around, drive around, feed or interact? Would there be other beings to welcome you into their homes? It may interest you to know that all these questions and many more have been plaguing the minds of some great scientists and deep thinkers as well as ordinary folks for centuries past. Consequently, a number of them dared to find out. Some did so theoretically while others had practical experiences, thereby opening the floodgates to space exploration. 


Early scientists like Nicolaus Copernicus, Emmanuel Kant, Isaac Newton who can be regarded as fathers of space study made their contributions at different times on the nature, scope and evolution of the universe. In the same vein, Galilei Galileo, Edwin Hubble, Albert Einstein and a host of other dependable thinkers began to improve on the discoveries of the early fathers on space investigation to produce practical results. 


In this process, the Wright Brothers, Yuri Gagarin, Neil Amstrong, Michael Collins, Anthony Filiphenko and many others began to beat the force of gravity and became sky bound to the amazement of the whole world. In spite of this remarkable feat, a lot of grounds were still left uncovered in space. No wonder Neil Armstrong referred to their landing on the moon as “one small step for a man, a giant leap for mankind”.


Today it has become very clear that space science and technology remains a very fundamental key and solution to myriads of societal problems as well as a veritable tool for development in the global community. 


There is no gainsaying the fact that, space technology is erasing obstacles so effectively that what seems impossible to one generation becomes elementary to the next. Whether we like it or not, the world of space science and technology will be one world that would continue to reveal more knowledge, inspire young people and stimulate more technical and commercial innovation on earth. Space Technology will no doubt continue to pioneer the course of history by producing an expansion of scientific knowledge perhaps unparalleled in the history of mankind. 


The proponent of satellite communications, Arthur C. Clarke was in his usual element and romance with destiny in October 1945 when he wrote through an article on issues of wireless word to propose the feasibility of establishing a communication satellite in a geostationary orbit. Historically, Arthur’s theory on geo-stationary orbits is what led to the communications satellite that has revolutionized communications today across the globe. 

Again, in recent times, there has been increased space exploration and the development of space technologies which today have far reaching socio-economic benefits. In particular, the development and launch of satellites for exploring the space environment has contributed to the development of new technological knowledge in the areas of telecommunications, space and atmospheric sciences, geographical information systems and global weather forecasting among other areas. Moreover, space technologies are helping to drive space economic development which is now associated with huge return – on – investment and the technology is central to the development of new innovations to manage global challenges like natural disasters. 



Coming to one of the high points of this presentation which is on the symbolic and promotional roles of the press in the advent and conceptualism of space technology, I will start by identifying the media as a powerful tool for education, enlightenment and distribution of information. As the mouth piece of society, the fourth estate of the realm is responsible for ensuring that the audience is kept abreast of happenings in the society. This unique role has enabled the media to possess the power of agenda setting and dictating the nature of development across the globe. Usually, the media dictates the development of ideas and innovations by highlighting the benefits of such developments. To this end, the media can be applauded for its crucial roles in not only conveying messages or disseminating information to geographically dispersed audience, but also prompting action and intervention through opinion formation and reinforcement of issues. 

My dear colleagues, I wish to emphasize at this point that space technology is one aspect of human development that has benefited immensely from media focus on science and technology. Having emerged just in the 1950s, media coverage and analysis led to many countries considering the implementation of this technology. While the development of space science might have been encouraged by global hegemonic and war strategies, the media played a bigger role in creating awareness about the technology. 


From time immemorial, journalism has been cited as one of the sources of inspiration in the societies. The inspiration come from the fact that journalists help to drive specific agenda (technology-wise) the inspirations of the media can be seen from the manner in which they have taken advantage of wars and made reports and analysis that prompted the adoption of certain war technologies into civil use. After the First World War, the advent of industrialization ushered countries to a new approach of developing economic competence.


It may interest you to know that the civilized European powers and United States of America engaged in technology driven economy and scientific discoveries, which led to the development of weapons of mass destruction and fast warship as each country funded weaponry manufacturers, scientists and engineers. While there are many technological developments that have emerged from war and which have been adopted for civil use, space technology stands out as one of the post second world war technologies that has been shaped through journalism. 


At this juncture, it must be emphasized that, at the height of cold war in 1957, the Soviet Union launched the first ever satellite. The satellite was named SPUTNIK-1. SPUTNIK was designed to orbit the earth and send sensitive intelligence information to the Soviets. The SPUTNIK was small in size, almost the size of beach ball, and was not able to send meaningful information back to the earth. However, (McQuail 2007) pointed out that the launch of SPUTNIK had a profound impact on the priorities of citizens and government around the world. The Soviet engineers who developed SPUTNIK wanted to ensure that the satellite could be seen and heard by people from all parts of the world. While SPUTNIK was intended to improve communication by Soviets, it had a ripple effect that saw many nations developing and launching their own satellites. 


Gentlemen of the Press, it is very important for me to emphasize that, the space age was no doubt ushered in by the cold war era, but one fundamental point I would like to echo and re-echo is the fact that the media spurred it through reporting and analyzing the tussle between the United States and the Soviet Union. 


The global publicity given to SPUTNIK made space exploration possible and prompted the United States to embrace the space technology. (Komska, 2011) was of the view that during the cold war, the Soviets and United States engaged in a war that was less physical but more about threats and threat making. Given that the Soviet had been first to come up with the idea of Space craft, the United States was obligated to follow, and probably make it better. Thus, with the launch of the SPUTNIK, the United States and the Soviet Union entered into a new race in space technology. The reports by the Media on the Space capabilities of each side led to the drive for nations to develop their space capabilities. Hence, the revolutionary advent of Space journalism in media practices. 


Again, it is important for me to stress that one of the ways through which Journalists got involved in the space development was through basic reports on space technological development in various countries. During the initial stages of space science, the focus was mainly on United States and the Soviet Union. With the two countries competing for global supremacy, the media in each country ensured that they reported any new development or intelligence leaks about impending space technological development by the ‘enemy’ country. For example, the reaction of the United States towards SPUTNIK was to develop their own space technology to counter the Soviets as the SPUTNIK was considered an ‘enemy satellite’ (Steve, 2003). This means the United States had to do something to counter the threat of the enemy. And to counter the Soviets, the United States initiated several space programmes that would later develop much stronger satellites. The concern at the time was that the Soviets had their satellite over the airspace of the United States and there was nothing that the United States could do about it. They believed that the Soviets were able to get vital information about the United States that would enable them launch nuclear bombs against the United States. However, what the United States also failed to realize at the time was that since the Soviet had rockets powerful enough to send a space craft into the space, they were able to launch a nuclear bomb against the United States at will. 


The media hype about the space technologies and the capabilities of the satellites coupled with the cold war objectives led the United States to create NACA, and then changed it to National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). However, the initial attempts by the United States to launch satellite ended up in spectacular explosions with journalists taking an active role in the discussion before and after the attempts. Soon, however, the government realized the need for building space capsules, rockets and satellite (Fredrick, 2011). Besides, the need to hire astronauts to become spacemen later emerged. 




The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) came into being much like its successor organization, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), in response to the success of others. Even though the Wright brothers had been the first to make a powered airplane flight in 1903, by the beginning of World War 1 in 1914, the United States lagged behind Europe in airplane technology. 


In order to catch up, congress founded NACA on 3rd March 1915, as an independent government Agency reporting directly to the President. Its enacting legislation was attached as a rider to Naval Appropriation Bill for that year. 

By and large, the media made the world to realize that between its founding in 1915 and its incorporation into NASA in 1958, NACA accomplished many technological feats. It was a major force for technological change in aeronautics. NACA’s efforts were in large part responsible for turning the American airplane from slow cloth-and-wood biplanes of the World War 1 era into the jets of today. The foundations of NASA and the success of its many missions rest squarely on the cornerstone of NACA’s organizational and technical expertise. 


Ultimately, the space development turned into some kind of contest with journalists reporting on every new development. For American journalists, the driving factor was that Soviets were winning the space battle. Advancement in technology and space explorations that we see today can be attributed to the attempts by the United States to catch up with Soviet Union during the space age. 


My dear colleagues, permit me to observe that, the space race altered the educational system and the imagination of individuals in Nebraska and other regions of the United States. Shortly after the Soviets had launched SPUTNIK, American journalists began calling on the American education system to lay more emphasis on science and math. This led to the government of United States pumping more money to enable schools and educators focus on math and science (Geppert, 2012). This means most students enrolled in math and science courses. 


It must be emphasized that, the greatest highlight of the space age is arguably the Apollo programmes by the United States. With the Soviets having become the first nation to send a satellite into space, the United States was determined to become the first nation to send human being to the space. Thus, the most famous outcome of the Apollo programmes was the Apollo II. 


The Apollo II was the space craft that carried the first human beings to the moon, astronauts Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin in 1969. This was followed by a number of other space explorations to the moon, most of which were under the same Apollo programme. The main aim of the cold war was to study the planets and other satellites. Eventually, space explorations became influential in providing information about the solar system, and the earth in particular (The cold war Museum, 2010). 


And over the recent times, the most historic space event is the establishment of the Hubble Space Telescope which gave scientists the ability to get more insights into the solar system. 


However, it must be emphasized that, the greatest contribution of journalists in the development of space science was the focus on technology. While the United States and the Soviet Union were focusing on the need to become the “first to”, the media was reporting on how the space technologies were developing. Thus, besides the journalists reporting the launch of satellite to space, the most important highlights of the space age were the development of rockets. Thus the media was instrumental in defining the space technology. The space age was definitely defined by the creation and use of rockets. Indeed, most other space technologies that people use today were developed during the space age. Macdonald, 2008 positioned that most space crafts, for example needed ceramics that could withstand the extreme heat. These ceramics first emerged during the space age. 


From the development of space technologies, it can be said that journalists were effective in using agenda setting in encouraging both the United States and Soviet Union to increase their spending in space technologies. The media uses agenda setting to influence the perception of the audience. An agenda setting refers to the fixing of a media message and its frequency in order to create a sense of urgency or importance of the news. Frequency of a news article or coverage in the media will heighten awareness and interest which consequently leads to action, and thus becomes the main purpose of the media in this sense (McQuail, 2007). However, the media may use agenda setting inappropriately to spur the revolution. For example, despite the fact that, initial space attempt by the United States had flopped, the media focus on American superiority in technology finally made it possible for the United States to come with better space technologies. 


Following the end of the cold war, the biggest concern about nuclear weapons has not been the use of nuclear against specific targets, but the fate of the nuclear stock piles in Russia, the United States, China, Israel, India, Pakistan, France and UK. Again, the media was called into action. Having seen the destructive effects of nuclear weapons, journalists had taken the forefront in advocating for safer storage of nuclear arsenals. Of most concern have been the loose nukes in Russia and other former Soviet Union States where there were thousands of assembled nuclear weapons. The concern is that poorly protected nuclear weapons could find their way into the hands of terrorists and criminals. However, there has been substantial reduction in the number and usage of nuclear weapons. This has resulted from various reasons including individual decisions by specific countries to reduce the number of their nuclear arsenal, international treaties and barriers brought about by international business and corporations. Notable among these are United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA). UNOOSA has a Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS). Nigeria is a member of COPUOS and a signatory to CUPUOS treaty of Peaceful uses of outer space. NASRDA is the focal point of that treaty.               


Gentlemen of the Press, it may also interest you to know that through reporting on various cold war and other related events, journalists helped to propagate the space age that was marked by intense space technology competition between the United States and the Soviet Union. The launch of SPUTNIK marked the beginning of the space race that saw rapid technological development in the various parts of the world. The United States felt threatened by the SPUTNIK and made the necessary steps to counter the ‘threat”. But while the United States was trying to neutralize the effect of SPUTNIK, they realized new space frontier that could be explored. And in 1969, the United States pioneered the cause of history to become the first country in the world to send astronauts to the moon. This development caused a media frenzy of its kind in the United States and many other countries in the word. Besides, the space related technologies, such as rocketry that have become common with military for launching missiles. All these developments were promoted by media reports and analysis in one way or another. 


Therefore, space journalism remains a very strategic part of the media that has played a very crucial role in global affairs and its noble contributions in the promotion of space science and technology will continue to loom large in human history, particularly in the technological revolution across the globe. 


With critical analysis and submissions, the press through space journalism has made it possible to come to term with the reality that space exploration has shaped our worldviews in more ways than one. The impact of seeing the Earth from space focused our energies on the home planet in unprecedented ways, dramatically affecting our relationship to the natural world and our appreciation of the greater community of mankind, and prompting a revolution in our understanding of the Earth as a living system. 


Through space journalism, the idea of space exploration has been woven into the fabric of society for over past fifty years even as exploration has raised our cosmic consciousness. The historical analysis of that transformation, in ways large and small should help make informed choices about the future of space. 


The space according to the media has enabled the society to do things that have never been done before.      



Gentlemen of the Press, it is often emphasized that access to education is central to increasing economic development and creating opportunities for social development as well as the empowerment of women and youths. Yet, many people in the developing world, particularly those living in rural and remote areas, have been struggling with access to basic and qualitative education, (UN-OOSA, 2015). The development of space- based technology promises to bridge the ever-widening gap in access to education among those living in rural and remote areas of the developing world. For example, the development of space- based communication satellites has promoted the penetration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure into rural and remote areas of developing nations. In almost all developing nations, a large percentage of the population reside in rural and remote areas where there is little or no access to terrestrial communication infrastructure such as cell – phone, towers and fibre – optic cable (UN-OOSA, 2015). Nevertheless, the use of communication satellite backbone has enhanced rural internet and voice connectivity in most parts of the developing world. Currently, different kinds of communication satellites are already providing voice and data services to many people in developing nations such as Nigeria, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines (UN- OOSA, 2008).

Space – based Satellites with the capacity to provide internet services, broadcasting, and voice connectivity are enabling developing nations to increase access to education in several ways. More specifically, communication satellites have enabled the creation of the information revolution, which now supports long- distance communication to areas that were practically inaccessible by laid cables and means of communication. In turn, there is improved access to internet services and the subsequent development of distance education and the narrowing of the digital divide between the developed and the developing nations. According to the pew research centre, the use of internet services is significantly increasing in emerging and developing nations. The increased access to internet services can be directly linked to positive education development in emerging and developing nations. In fact, many people in emerging and developing nations can now use the internet to search for information, apply for jobs, buy goods and services, receive payments, and share views on politics and religion, (Pew Research Centre, 2015). Consequently, the development of space – based communications satellites is increasing access to information, which can be directly applied to educational development in rural and remote areas of developing nations.

Among all space-derived technologies, the internet is particularly important to educational development because it supports information retrieval, individualized learning and teaching, group learning and teaching, and collaborative learning. More specifically, the internet is perhaps the world’s largest source of educational materials, which can be used in all aspects of teaching and learning as well as in the development of educational systems and method. Hence, the internet could be seen as benefiting education by increasing access to learning materials, as well as reducing the gap in the quality of resources available to developed and developing nations (Khannanov et al., 2003). Furthermore, the use of the internet is by far the quickest way of retrieving important education information for both teachers and students.

On the other hand, it has been established that one of the main applications of the internet in teaching and learning entails the delivery of education materials to students through electronic mails (e-mail) (Khannanov et al., 2003). E-mail has the capacity to enhance individualized learning and teaching. This is because the use of e-mails provides a quick way of delivering communication between teachers and students besides enabling both the correspondent and the respondent to receive or send communication at their own convenience. Apart from individualized teaching and learning, the internet also supports group – based learning and teaching because it increases access to online lectures or published teaching materials. For instance, through the use of electronic bulletin boards (BBS) and online discussion boards, teachers can deliver reading materials and class assignments to a large number of students in different locations across the world. In turn, the students can read the materials, complete assignments, and express or seek ideas from other students using online discussion boards.

Furthermore, web-based teaching and learning application may also enable students to learn at their own pace because they can take as much time as possible to learn a certain segment of the course before proceeding to another level. Another important benefit that stems from the use of the internet in teaching and learning is that, it tends to promote collaborative activities among learners, educators, and researchers through real time interaction. In particular, the internet has made it possible for educators and educational researchers to interact with their peers from around the world in the development of appropriate pedagogical materials and system. The internet enables learners to collaborate in their efforts to complete class projects regardless of their location or time zone (Khannanov et al., 2003).

The increased penetration of the internet in emerging and developing nations is also supporting the use of social media in educational development. Today, social media, which entails socializing and networking over the internet, has totally redefined the way people communicate and relate with each other. As such, social media is a tool of great significance to the improvement of education in modern societies. Some good examples of social media technologies, which can be applied in educational development, include twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube MySpace and Blogs.  These technologies provide appropriate tools, which can be used by both students and teachers to improve various educational processes. More specifically, social media can be widely used to enhance students’ communication skills to increase peer support, and to encourage collaborative learning (Guran, 2015). Moreover, social media can facilitate effective teaching and learning through the incorporation of text, video, and audio materials into the teaching processes. 

My dear colleagues, there is no gainsaying the fact that the use of social media in teaching and learning processing has got far-reaching implications on access to education. First, social media technologies tend to reduce the cost of delivering education to a large number of students. The use of social media in a learning environment is important for reducing isolation among students regardless of their location. In addition, social media, and especially social networking, has the potential of promoting tolerance and understanding among students from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds while it also opens up the world of education by connecting those who have access to information with those who do not, hence, increasing the dissemination of useful educational materials across wider geographical areas.

The National Open University of Nigeria is a good example in this regard as the institution has deployed and implemented e-learning portal technology to enhance students learning experience as well as to ease access to excellent quality education. 

Besides enhancing the teaching and learning process, space-based technologies are also important for research and the development of scientific knowledge. There are many types of space-based satellites, including earth observation (EO) satellites, global navigation and positioning satellites, and as mentioned earlier, communication satellite. All these satellites collect a huge amount of data, which can be applied directly in the development of a greater understanding of different phenomena on Earth. For Example, Earth Observation Satellites can be used to monitor weather patterns and the development of natural disasters as well as in carrying out relief operations following disasters. The value of the data collected by Earth Observation satellites go beyond the aforementioned immediate uses. In fact, the data can be used as an educational or research resource in various academic fields, including but not limited to geography and disaster management. 

On the other hand, global navigation and positioning satellites provide a great deal of information, which can be directly applied in tracking positions, planning routes, as well as air and maritime transportation. Currently, various navigation and positioning technologies such as the Global positioning system (GPS) and Galileo are providing flexible and accurate data, which are used to develop efficient transportation routes and to improve safety levels. The immediate uses of these technologies may be obvious to many people, but there are other less obvious applications of Global navigation and positioning satellites in the education sector. In particular, the information gathered by these space-based satellites can be used in scientific and engineering project in learning institutions to guide the development of useful systems and devices. For example, the global navigation and positioning data obtained from space-based satellites can be used by students to design safety –critical devices and other systems, which can be applied in the transportation sector here on Earth. 

Another important benefit that stems from the use of space-based technologies in education involves their ability to stimulate young people’s interest in learning the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) subjects. In fact, the use of the data acquired from space-based satellites is in itself a great inspiration that enriches the teaching and learning processes for STEM subjects. For instance, teachers can use space-derived data and image to inform their students about the origin of human life thereby improving the learning of complex concepts. Furthermore, the use of space-derived information in teaching and learning STEM subjects enables students who are informed about what is taking place in a given scientific or engineering field may easily develop greater interest in pursuing that particular career in future. Similarly, the introduction of primary or secondary level students to space-based projects can enhance their ability to work scientifically and to remain objective in all their academic endeavours. 



Gentlemen of the Press, it is about 59 years now when the historic telephone conversation between American President John Kennedy and Nigerian Prime Minister Tafawa Balewa was recorded. The Friday August 23, 1963 conversation between the two leaders was more than a phone call. It was indeed the first two way call between Heads of State via Satellite and it symbolized one of the early activities for technological revolutions across the globe through Space Applications.


My visit to the JFK library in Boston in the United States afforded me the rare privilege of listening to this unique conversation between the charismatic leaders. It was a moving conversation considering the fact that three months later President John Kennedy was assassinated and three years later Tafawa Balewa was also assassinated. But today, history has not only continued to justify the two men as great leaders in their respective countries but the echo of the past has continued to reverberate in strategically positioning President John Kennedy and Tafawa Balewa as pioneers of Trans-Atlantic phone call being the first Heads of State to engage in real time interaction and conversation via satellite.  


In the telephone conversation, Kennedy and Balewa traded pleasantries, briefly mentioned the nuclear weapons test ban treaty signed that year and talked about boxing match in which Nigeria middle weight boxer Dick Tiger had retained his title against an American. 


My dear colleagues, it could be recalled that, the historic event which marked the world’s first Satellite relayed telephone call was carried out through Syncom-2 satellite which was on Delta rocket B booster from Cape Canaveral in the United States of America. And since the Syncom-2 Satellite launch and the successful experiment between America and Nigeria, hundreds of communication satellites are now in the skies above earth in geosynchronous orbit. One may therefore be tempted to ask why the American President Kennedy chose to speak with the Nigerian Prime Minister Balewa among various leaders in Africa and across the globe as at that time. 


Observers are strongly of the view that, the decision was more in recognition of Nigeria as a strategic Nation in Africa both in terms of size and resources while some also believe that the symbolic phone conversation was in profound appreciation of the unique and strategic position of Nigeria as a potential leading nation in Africa.


However, whichever way one may perceive the positive development in Nigeria history, I wish to emphasize that, over the years, Nigeria remains a glorious Nation in Africa and in the global community.    


To me, the telephone conversation speaks volume of the potentials and great benefits of Space Science and Technology as well as serving as a clarion call for Nigeria to take advantage of her glorious position to harness Space resources for the progress, development and overall benefits of her citizenry. 


Therefore, the ongoing efforts by the National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA) on the utilization of Space resources for socio-economic development should not only be seen as a right step in the right direction but it is also a timely decision which is in tandem with the noble dreams and aspirations of the founding fathers of our great Nation. 


Fifty-nine years after the historic Telephone conversation between Kennedy and Balewa, Nigeria is not only in Space but also currently taking the lead in the Space race in Africa with her Earth Observation and Communication Satellites in the orbit; (Nigeriasat-2 and NigeriaSat-X, and a Communication Satellite (NIGCOMSAT 1R). 



There are many reasons as to why Nigeria, as an evolving Nation should continue on the path of developing and utilizing space-based technologies in its educational sector. First, a large proportion of Nigeria’s population live in rural and remote areas under conditions associated with poverty and lack of access to appropriate education. Secondly, people in the rural areas cannot access urban-based learning institutions, which have embraced new models of teaching and learning, due to financial constraints and distance. Thirdly, Nigeria’s workforce comprises of people who did not have the opportunity to advance their education due to family and personal challenges as well as the difficulties of work and studies. Lastly, the female population in Nigeria has over the years been deprived of adequate education due to early marriages and other cultural barriers. As a result, it appears that there is a high demand for alternative ways of delivering education to disadvantaged populations. The application of space-based technologies in education can help Nigeria to achieve increased access to education among the disadvantaged populations. 

Today, almost every person in most developed countries have reasonable access to some form of ICT, which they use for education purposes. For instance, in Britain, this is possible through government efforts in terms of increased funding for the acquisition and use of ICTs in schools. In order for the Nigerian government to support the effective use of space technology in education, it is important to provide enough funds to enable schools use computers and other ICT tools for teaching and learning. Besides increasing funding for ICT infrastructure in schools, the Nigeria government should increase internet connectivity across the country in order to link schools to relevant space technologies, which are important for educational development. 

Other ways through which the Nigerian government can support the use of space technologies in the education sector is by ensuring that there is skilled technical workforce in the country. As a result, the government should invest in education and outreach programmes at all levels of education to enhance the training of a skilled technical workforce, which will support the implementation of its space programmes in the education sector. Furthermore, the Nigerian government should consider providing scholarships and internships to primary and secondary level students to stimulate their interest in pursuing careers in space science and technology. The government should also encourage and take up STEM education at all levels of education to support the development of advanced skills among the country’s younger population that will soon take over from those working in the space sector.

Lastly, the Nigerian government has a great opportunity of investing in capacity building to ensure that there is a critical mass of human capacity with relevant skills in space science and technology. Currently, Nigeria is in need of more experts in space technology, including high-level policy-makers, management staff, technicians and technologists. Hence, it is important for the government to support capacity building in all aspects of space science and technology in order to ensure sustained development and utilization of space technologies in the future. Most important, the public should be sensitized on the benefits stemming from the use of space technology in education so that it can play a proactive role in the development and utilization of space technology.

All said and done, there is no gainsaying the fact that, Space Science and Technology provide far-reaching benefits to educational development. It has been established that satellites increase access to telecommunications, broadband, and broadcasting services in both urban and rural areas. In so doing, the satellites support the development of tele-education in areas which have hitherto been inaccessible for laying communication cables. Tele-education has the potential of increasing access to education among disadvantaged populations living in rural and remote areas, especially in developing nations such as Nigeria. Furthermore, space-based technologies such as the internet and social media can facilitate the development of new teaching and learning modalities that transcend geographical boundaries and other barriers hindering equitable access to education.

In order to tap into the full-range of benefits arising from space technology, the Nigerian government has established a national space policy to guide the development of capacities in Space Science and Technology (SST). The Nigerian government’s efforts have led to the development of various space-based technologies, which provide cost-effective and high-quality telecommunications, broadcasting and broadband services across Nigeria and other parts of the world. The development of Nigerian space technologies has led to modest, but remarkable growth in various sectors but Nigeria still faces challenges, including inadequate ICT infrastructures, inadequate trained personnel, and low funding, which have marked the slow penetration of tele-education into rural and remote areas. Going forward, the Nigerian government should do more to support greater development and deployment of ICT infrastructure and skilled manpower in order to enhance the diffusion of tele-education across Nigeria and Africa at large.

At this juncture, it must be emphasized that, no stone should be left unturned by both the government and the governed to make the Nigeria space agenda a success.

My dear colleagues, Carl Sagan, in his book entitled “Pale Blue dot” explained that, “as our telescopes probe the depths of space and time and our spacecraft missions reveal the scale and diversity of worlds even within our own solar system, we are provided with a humbling sense of our place in the universe”.

The Apollo missions inspired an entire generation of students to pursue math and science careers. As our society becomes more technologically inclined and dependent, the populace needs to become scientifically literate to keep up the tempo. To be human is to be an explorer. It is part of who we are: since the first tribes left the African Savanna and spread into Europe and Asia, we have had the need to explore the unknown. Now, humans have visited or settled in every corner of the globe. The instinct to explore is still active, but there are few outlets. Some people seek out extreme or exotic places to satisfy this need, risking their lives to do so, others look to the skies. It may be an old cliché but space remains the final frontier, and it calls to the explorer in all of us.

Space technology brings together a lot of smart and intelligent people from many different fields and made them to work on some very difficult problems to proffer solutions. The results are not only fantastic scientific discoveries but usually, represents useful inventions in human history.

I will like to place on record that, Nigeria’s success story in Space Science and Technology, despite negative perceptions that space science is a reserve for developed Nations, is quite inspiring and commendable. The great milestones recorded by the Nigerian space Agency in view of its numerous achievements are clear indication that the Nation is fully on course in the actualization of the noble goals and objectives of its space programme.

Therefore, there is no better time than now for the Nigerian press to combine with the space agency and form an irrepressible and irresistible political front, a contingent of progressive and forward looking commandos, deployed in combat for a crucially important national cause.

The cause being to make Nigeria actualize her noble goals in space and indeed a competitive space- faring nation.

The time has come for the Press and NASRDA to be melted into a dynamic fighting force because the world has made a tremendous progress in the course of advancing the frontiers of space science and technology, as well as the use of space environment for specific value and political results.

Nigeria cannot afford to remain indifferent and detached. We must be involved and we are involved.

Space technology remains one of the strategic solutions to the realization of government agenda as it guarantees the availability and speedy access to real time data and geopolitical information as well as the availability of relevant infrastructure and backbone for information communication.

The Nigerian press must rise up to challenges to ensure the integration of space technology application into the various stages of the nation’s development efforts.

In this time of changing world order, with prosperity in one hand and economic turmoil in another, it is hard to predict the future, and as we become more concerned about the damage to the environment, we should look more to space technology for answers.

Yes, we have stressed “space for national development’’ andwill continue to do so. However, it has been realized that space exploration is a national challenge that is at once highly strategic and inescapable.

It is a challenge Nigeria must meet irrespective of our “level of development” we cannot wait until it is “convenient” to compete. I must say, Nigeria is a nation under siege, not by an invading army but the forces of change. Our most threatening adversary is time.

I am reminded in this regard of a second hand quote from a radical British thinker named I.D. Bernal. Writing in the 1920s, Bernal repeatedly warned that none space faring nations were destined to become inmates in a planetary prison. Space then, is not just for national development, it is a strategic endeavor that affects black survival and well-being.

The Nigerian press must help raise public awareness of intellectual and strategic dimensions of space science and technology as the National Space Research and Development Agency strategizes ahead steadily as the cutting edge, advancing wave for scientific and technological progress in our land.

In the early years of the American manned flight performance, some U.S reporters became superstars during the coverage of the mercury Germin and Apollo fighters. They would stand before the camera and talk on-and-on without a written script, raveling out endless details about the space craft and its mission.

I would like to see my colleagues in the media advance this level of proficiency in their avowed commitment to the reportage of the Nigeria space agenda.

One of the spinoffs from focusing on the Nigerian space Agency is the opening up of new career opportunities. As a space science specialist, you are helping to establish new branches of reporting, photography where the competition is less intense.  



Having enumerated the historic roles of members of the Press towards the evolution of Space Science and Technology vis-a-vis the educational benefits and prospects of this critical sector in developing nations, one may then be tempted to ask what roles are you expected to play as editorial staff of this prestigious broadcasting Organization-Ondo State Radiovision Corporation where I remained proud and inspired to have started my historic journalism sojourn as a Staff reporter.


In providing answers to this question, I cannot but at this juncture highlight the expected noble roles and contributions of Professionals from diverse background both technological and non-technological in a strategic organisation like OSRC.


My dear colleagues, it is important to note that from the contributions and activities of OSRC to the development of our Sunshine State, it is evident that, these noble achievements stem from the actions, participation and contributions of different professionals that constitute the work force of this media outfit.


Each of these professionals has played a role that contributes to the success story of OSRC.


However, OSRC still has goals that are unaccomplished and the only way to achieve all these is through collective and active collaboration of all of us as staff of this corporation. Each and every one of us has a crucial role to play at ensuring that OSRC achieves its various visions and missions for the good of our people. We must be good ambassadors of the great corporation and endeavour to propagate its noble goals and objectives as a strategic government establishment in the Sunshine State.


Professionals from different backgrounds must work together to achieve the corporation goals. The OSRC believes that the contribution of each and every one of us is far much more significant and constitutes an element of the end result. Without this, the Corporation equation is incomplete. 


Against this background, we must be creative and innovative. We must develop, implement, and communicate new ideas to others. Be open and responsive to new and diverse perspective and act on creative ideas to make a tangible and useful contribution to this special domain in which innovation occurs.


We must embrace “I can” credo indicating that, we must strive at all times to act as if we can, in any responsibility or assignment we are saddled with. With this right mental attitude, we can then find out the truth regarding our innate potential by living out the experience. “I can’t” negative thinking limits ideas and performance. Turn the negative around and suddenly the impossible becomes possible.


When you believe and think “I can” you activate your motivation, commitment, confidence, and concentration, all of which relates directly to maximum achievement.


Another important factor I will like to emphasise is discipline. According to Plato, “the first and best victory is for a man to conquer himself” He pointed out that men and women search their entire lives looking for fame and fortune without attaining either. Why? This is simply because they do not understand that, the real source of wealth and achievement rests within their own minds and can only be released by the power of strict self-discipline. 


My dear colleagues, permit me to emphasise that a mind that is properly disciplined and directed to a clear cut objective cannot be defeated. And, no life ever grows until it is dedicated, disciplined, and focused.


At this juncture, may I humbly acknowledge that the vigorous propagation of these values, ideas and principles is premised on “nationalism”. Nationalism enunciates the attributes of the nations, extols its virtue and articulates its vision. I wish to place on record that I am a fervent nationalist, and that nationalism is part of the outlook that informs this discourse.


Nationalism provides the emotional bond that holds a nation together and drives it forward – both the binding energy, if I can use a chemical metaphor, and the energy of reaction. We are bound by our shared history and political loyalties and driven forward by a sense of common purpose.


But, if you’ve had any chemistry, you know there’s something called a “catalyst” which can influence a reaction. A catalyst can initiate or speed up a chemical reaction – Hence the catalyst itself, the operative molecule or atom, remains an instrument of change. Therefore, the staff of a broadcasting organisation like OSRC are powerful catalysts for monumental change in the developmental efforts of the Sunshine State and Nigeria at large. 


At all levels, education is the key to chisel away poverty and for positive change. Let us utilise the instrumentality of our education in combination with resources and ideology to keep OSRC achievements aglow and fine tune strategy for better tomorrow in the developmental history of Ondo State.


I must emphasise that your coming together for working careers in this great organisation was never by accident. Rather, it is a desired manifestation of ordained mission for you to play your parts in the game of life and to fulfil a mandatory noble dance in your historic romance with destiny, even in the face of challenges and difficulties.


Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though sometimes it is hard to realise this. The world is built to develop character and we must learn that setbacks, challenges and grieves which we endure helps us in our marching onward.


Character is indeed that which reveals moral purpose, exposing the class of things a man chooses or avoid.


According to an American author James Allen, the more tranquil a man becomes, the greater is his success, influence and quest for good. Calmness of mind, he said, is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom.


My dear colleagues, the law of harvest is to reap more than you sow. Sow an act and you reap a habit, sow a habit and you will reap character. Sow character and you will reap destiny. Hence as individuals, we must strive at all times to set a high standard for life. If our expectations are low, we are not likely to experience wellness, setting high standards, makes everybody and every decades looking forward.


Again, we must realise at all times that the only thing that rules the world today in terms of progress and development is the power of knowledge and ideas. Therefore, it is imperative for you and I to continue to widen our horizon, remain ever inquisitive to learn, and irrevocably determined to strive ahead steadily to unlock our great potentials.


This is the only way we can remain fully on track, identify our true being and fine tune our strategies for better tomorrow.


My dear colleagues, before I finally draw the curtain, let me admonish you with these words of inspiration entitled “Believe in yourself”.


– ​There may be days when you get up in the morning and things are not the way you had hoped they would be.


-​That is when you have to tell yourself that they will get better. There are times people disappoint you and let you down. But those are the times when you must remind yourself to trust your own judgments, opinion and above all, God your creator to keep your life focused on believing in yourself.


-​There will be challenges to face and changes to make in your life; it is up to you to accept them in tune with reality of that moment.


-​Consistently keep yourself headed and focussed in the right direction for you. It may not be easy at times, but be rest assured that in these times of struggle, you find a stronger sense of who you are.


– ​So when the days come that are filled with frustration and expected responsibilities, remember to believe in yourself and all you want your life to be.


-​Because the challenges and changes will only help you to discover and roll out the goals that you know are meant to come true for you for greater achievements and better tomorrow.

My dear colleagues, keep believing in yourself.

I thank you all for your rapt attention

God bless OSRC





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